Roses are Red, or Pink

Today I decided to take a break from housework and errands and relax a little.  I spent a little time in the studio - and started a new drawing.
Starting a New Drawing
Not sure where it is heading, but sometimes I get an idea and just start drawing hoping it will work out.
Ribbon Drawing
Also, I've been enjoying our flower garden this fall - the roses are blooming which means free flowers for the house!  I love them, it is so nice to have fresh flowers!
Roses from the Garden
Flower Garden
Last but not least, Nate got me an early birthday gift!
Meet my new baby:
Nate's B-day Present to me!  :) :) :)
Circular Saw!  I'm glad I've got a husband that understands me. :) :) :)


  1. that bow looks amazing!! and congrats on the awesome new circular saw. What projects are you planning for it?

  2. haha! awesome! i'm glad you like it. if jeremy got me that I would cry because i would be afraid of my birthday gift.
    oh, did i mention i miss you?

  3. What pretty roses! And you crack me up with your love of power tools. :)
