Recap of the last few weeks:

Pack. Pack. Pack. Our apartment was a bit like a maze for a while. I had to move out of my studio at the university - bring all of my stuff to our apartment, and then pack up the rest of our apartment. I was exhausted.

When the movers came to pack the truck, we put the cats in one of the back closets. They were seriously weirded out when they came out and our entire apartment was empty. They ran from each room into the next meowing in confusion! poor them!
It was a little bit nuts when we made the first trek to South Dakota - it was a 9 1/2 hour drive from Illinois, and we stopped in Wisconsin to visit the parents and Nate's brother.
The trek across Minnesota is the most boring part of the journey though... it is disheartening to hear the garmin say "Continue 290 miles" -- Ouch... But, on the plus side, there is very little traffic!
When we arrived, we stayed in Sioux Falls for the night, and got up the next morning to buy our new (to us) house! It is a little 3 bedroom 1960's ranch with a finished basement. We are so excited to start making it ours. :)
The living room:
My studio:
(I've already painted it and ripped down those hotel-style curtains! )
The former owners really liked blinds...
So, it is a giant work in progress, but I can't wait to get her looking beautiful!
But don't worry, it hasn't been all unpacking/cleaning/driving/painting... Nate and I took a break last week to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary! We've been together for over 10 years total, and he's still on my good side -- Major accomplishment!!
To celebrate we went into Sioux Falls, had a wonderful lunch at
"K" Restaurant, and did some shopping. It was lovely!