Cassie Marie Edwards -- Thesis Exhibition

I've got some catching up to do on this blog.  First off, I am now officially an MFA graduate! Woo Hoo!  I have been in school solid for the last 20 or so years without  a break, and it hasn't really sunk in that I am finished.

Anyways, as I promised, here are some shots of my thesis exhibition for those of you who couldn't be there in person.

26_Installation Documentation

23_Installation Documentation

24_Installation Documentation

29_Installation Documentation

01_ Unknown Family Portraits
If you want to see more of the work in detail, I've got it all on my website here:
Nate and I:

My Family:

Nate, myself, Matt, and Amber -- of course we had to act like we were five and take a 'funny pic' :)

Special thanks to all of my friends, family, faculty, and students who came out to my reception, it really means a lot to me!


  1. Big congrats on your MFA! The show looks wonderful...its cool to see all of your work together.

  2. congratulations!! the dollhouse looks incredible, and what an amazing achievement!!

    p.s.- Love that dress you're wearing.

  3. Congrats! Your exhibition looked amazing, obviously lots of hard work went into it, and it shows! Enjoy your down time :)
