Dollhouse Carpet Installation

Over this week I've been getting a lot of little loose ends tied up with my studio work.  I did a lot of painting, but don't have a lot to show for it yet.  I like to have a bunch of projects going at once, and bounce back and forth between them.  It is a slow process sometimes. 
I did get the dollhouse carpeted though!
Doll House 62
I used ultra-suede fabric for the carpeting, and it turned out really well I think!  It was easy to cut, and lays nice and flat. 
Doll House 61
I just glued it around the perimeter just in case I ever have to take it out. 
Doll House 60
I've still got to put in the sideboards to really finish it off, but this is a huge improvement over the scuzzy towel carpet that was in there beforehand!
Lastly, here is a shot of the flooring I did earlier installed in the dollhouse:
Doll House 59
I love the way it turned out.
Now to finish the furniture....


  1. great idea using the ultra suede...its an interesting texture.

  2. Looks awesome - can't wait to see it furnished with all your handmade furniture! I'll want to move in!!!

  3. Just found about your dollhouse project through Anne from France. I write a blog about modern dollhouses. The floors look great and your funiture is gorgeous!

  4. Thanks for such a great post and the review, I am totally impressed! Keep stuff like this coming. carpet installation minneapolis
