Gardening Plans!

Baby tiger lilies!
Spring is here! (hopefully!) I think I will cry if we get any more snow - up until last week we still had snow on the ground here!  I was out in our yard today taking stock of the numerous flower beds around our house.  My plan is to rip about half of them out to make room for veggie gardens.  So, if anyone nearby would like some random flowers, please let me know, and I'll dig them out carefully for you!.
I spent a good portion of my day planning my garden and planting seeds.  I usually try to plant my whole garden from seeds because it seems like the plants grow better.  I planted sweet basil, thai basil, rosemary, beefsteak tomatoes, early tomatoes, jalapeƱos, yellow pear tomatoes, red peppers, orange peppers, chives, and lemon balm to start indoors.  I'm also going to start some cherry tomatoes and mint, but I haven't found seeds for those yet locally.
Big Plans
On the sides of the porch there are two long skinny flower beds, but the flowers in them weren't too impressive last summer, so I'm going to take most of them out and try to establish a perennial herb garden in their place.  Flowers are nice, but herbs are nicer.
I got fancy and painted some schematics.
All in all it was a nice relaxing day of planning and planting.  It was warm (55 degrees!) and sunny.
But, I'm not getting too comfortable, there's a lot of work to be done still:
{one side of where my herb garden will be}
Dreary Landscaping
{draaaaaab - not sure what I'll do here - suggestions?}
Garden - Before
{I'll be tearing out this weird curvy pain-in-the-arse to mow area, streamlining the flowerbed, and building my raised bed gardens here}

Wish me luck!


  1. Lots of lavender! It would so pretty against the gray.

  2. I have such a black thumb, but your gardening always inspires me! Looking forward to seeing these new gardens take shape!

  3. ooh, such a great plan for your garden!! I love that you have a watercolour mock up. Awesome!

  4. I love the watercolor Cassie! So creative as always.

  5. yeah! garden fun. we just went through a little have a spare room :)

  6. Sounds like great plan, Good luck Cassie!

  7. i love your schematics drawing. if it were me i would have just felt a sense of accomplishment with that and skipped the actual garden. but that's just me. i'm outdoors lazy. ( :
